Arasan’s history with embedded memory dates to Multiple Memory Card (MMC) association in 2004. After ®JEDEC adopted MMC for the embedded market (eMMC) in 2008, Arasan has been a active contributor in JC 42.4 meetings.
Arasan joined the MIPI Alliance in 2005. MIPI is a global, collaborative organization comprised of companies that span the mobile ecosystem and are committed to defining and promoting interface specifications for mobile devices.
The Open NAND Flash Interface (ONFI) is an industry Workgroup made up of more than 100 companies that build, design-in, or enable NAND Flash memory.
The SD Association is a global ecosystem of companies setting industry-leading memory card standards. Arasan joined SDA in 2001. Arasan established SDIO as a key interface for wireless standards like GPS< Bluetooth, WiFi, 3G, etc.
Arasan has supported Ethernet [IEEE 802.3 Working Group] since 1999.
Arasan began PCI support in 1998 with 1.0 Endpoint and joined PCI-SIG in 2006.
Arasan has a long history of USB support, introducing the first device IP in 1996, followed by USB 2.0 Host IP in 1999. Arasan obtained certification of USB 2.0 device in 2001.