Arasan’s CAN-SEC Acceleration Engine Core implements the CAN-XL Protocol (CiA 610-1), CAN-XL Addon Part 1-Simple/Extercontent Indication (CiA 613-1), and CAN-XL Addon Part 2-Security (CiA 613- 2) Protocols.
Arasan’s CAN-SEC Acceleration Engine core is easy to integrate with the Host processor using AMBA-APB, AHB_Lite or AMBA-AXI standard interface. This highly configurable design supports programmable Interrupts, data and baud rates, acceptance filters & buffering schemes specific to the application.
Fig 1 Block Diagram of CAN-SEC with CAN-XL Controller
CAN-SEC Acceleration Engine Supports
CAN-XL Protocol (CiA 610-1)
CAN-XL Addon Part-1 (CiA 613-1)
CAN-XL Addon Part-2 Security (CiA-613-2)
AES-CMAC for Encryption
AES-GCM for Authenticated Encryption
Key Size-128,192 or 256 bits
Up to 256 CAN-SEC secure channels
Simple AMBA-APB, AMBA-AHB-Lite or Generic RAM like interfaces
Unique Benefits
Embedded DMA for reducing Gate count by moving Buffers outside the Controller
Easily configured to support AMBA-AXI4
Advanced Features
SDB-Software Defined Buffers, to support large external and small internal memories with minimum latency
Optimized design for short data frames to create latency advantage
Highly configurable design for data rate, baud-rate, interrupt sources and mix-bit options
Low software overhead, future-proof design
RAS Features
Advanced Error management unit prevents data loss during transmission and prevents message collisions
Designed to increase reliability, faster error reporting
Frame or Format error reporting is done on the receiver side in a timely manner
Supports debug, system maintenance and system optimization for Last error types, Arbitration lost position, error threshold indicators and others
Loopback mode for debug and self-testing during integration and system bring-up
System Verilog RTL Source Code
A simplified Testbench with simulation models to run initial set of tests after release
Synthesizable Netlist
Synthesis Scripts and exception lists
Timing Report
Protocol Compliance & Coverage Report
Sample Firmware with Drivers
Application Notes
Note*: ” License does not include the CAN Protocol License and CAN Trademarks”