Arasan’s Serial Low-Power Inter-chip Media bus protocol (SLIMbus®) software stack provides developers a method for easy development, integration, and validation of system software. The SLIMbus software stack is operating system/processor agnostic and provides a generic set of APIs to the functional driver which abstracts the SLIM protocol-specific functionality. The software stack supports a variety of function drivers such as SPI, UART, BT, I2S, I2C, DAC, ADC, and Flash which make use of this generic API set to communicate on the common bus. APIs include commonly used device operations such as initialization, device configuration, data transfer, power management, and registration of call back for interrupt handling.
Arasan SLIMbus Software Stack consists of the General Application Interface (API layer), SLIMbus protocol-specific driver, and SLIMbus hardware-specific driver layers. Client applications interface with the General API layer directly or through a Device Class Driver layer. The SLIMbus protocol-specific driver layer implements protocols such as isochronous and asynchronous data transfers, device enumeration, and message handling. It also supports functionality specific to the Arasan SLIMbus Host and SLIMbus Device IP cores. SLIMbus hardware-specific driver layer is a hardware-dependent layer. The layered architecture allows porting to various operating systems, various platforms, and various SLIMbus® hardware devices.